Loving God at St. Peter's We are TOGETHER whether in the Sanctuary or online for Sunday services at 10 AM. To attend Sunday Morning Service online, please go to the first page of this website and push the button near the top center that will connect you with the Service on Facebook. The recorded Service is normally available 24 hours after the Service ends on uTube.
Sunday Service |
FLOWER DONATIONSHonor the memory of a loved one or thanksgiving for a anniversary, baptism, birthday or marriage by making an Altar dedication for flowers. The suggested donation is a minimum of $100.00 for the Altar flowers. The dedication is listed in the service bulletin of the date of your choosing. Please send the request at least 2 weeks prior so that the flowers can be ordered and the dedication can be listed in the service bulletin.
Please mail a check to St Peter’s or place in the Offering at Church with a notation for Altar Flowers at least 2 weeks before the date of dedication. Altar Donation: a minimum of $100.00 THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED BELOW AND SUBMITTED TO THE ALTAR GUILD: 1. Donated by (NAME): 2. Please list me as anonymous (N/Y) 3. In Loving Memory of:___________________________ 4. In Thanksgiving for: _____________________________. 5. Date of the flower dedication at the Altar: _______________________ |